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Legend (FutureLandUse)

Future Land Use (0)
Estate Neighborhood (EN) Estate Neighborhood (EN)
Single-Family Neighborhoods (SFN) Single-Family Neighborhoods (SFN)
Mixed Residential Neighborhoods (MRN) Mixed Residential Neighborhoods (MRN)
Mixed-Use Neighborhoods (MUN) Mixed-Use Neighborhoods (MUN)
Commercial (COM) Commercial (COM)
Community Mixed-Use (CMU) Community Mixed-Use (CMU)
Regional Mixed-Use (RMU) Regional Mixed-Use (RMU)
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
Employment Center (EC) Employment Center (EC)
Employment Center - Warehousing Overlay (EC-W) Employment Center - Warehousing Overlay (EC-W)
Institutional (INS) Institutional (INS)
Parks, Trails, and Open Space (PTO) Parks, Trails, and Open Space (PTO)
Urban Reserve (UR) Urban Reserve (UR)