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snippet: Service for CC's potential growth boundary.
summary: Service for CC's potential growth boundary.
extent: [[-105.006424849835,39.7817604063836],[-104.580722746551,39.944929731086]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Zoning Current as of 10/26/2021 Ord 3608 Zoning Current as of 9/14/2021 Ord 3597 Zoning Current as of 8/10/2021 Ord 3593 Zoning Current as of 4/27/2021, Ord 3586 Zoning Current as of 1/26/2021, Ord 3576 Zoning Current as of 10/13/2020, Ord 3565 Zoning Current as of 6/9/2020, Ord 3557 Zoning Current as of 9/10/2019, Ord 3541 Zoning Current as of 1/22/2019, Ord 3515 Zoning Current as of 10/9/2018, Ord 3498 Zoning Current as of 8/28/2018, Ord 3490 Zoning Current as of 8/14/2018, Ord 3487 Zoning Current as of 7/24/2018, Ord 3484 Zoning Current as of 11/28/2017, Ord 3458 Zoning Current as of 5/9/2017, Ord 3431 Zoning Current as of 9/27/2016, Ord 3406 Zoning Current as of 5/24/2016, Ord 3384 Map updated 6/7/2016 Zoning Current as of 12/15/2016, Ord 3365 Map updated 1/11/2016 Zoning Current as of 4/12/2016, Ord 3378 Map updated 4/22/2016 Repointed data to SDE
title: CommerceCityPotentialGrowthBoundary
type: Map Service
tags: ["commerce","city","potential","growth","boundary"]
culture: en-US
name: CommerceCityPotentialGrowthBoundary
guid: 66135FA9-31E4-4309-96D3-66B226A9E7B8
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Colorado_Central_FIPS_0502_Feet